Monkstown Park Junior School is a registered company and is a not-for-profit organisation. The Board of Management is made up of the school principal, a teaching-staff representative, current parents and former parents. There is no formal process for selection but when a vacancy arises, the Board will look for someone with particular skills (academia, business and finance, legal, construction, IT, marketing etc.) so that matters affecting the school are considered from a position of experience and expertise. Board members give a considerable amount of time and commitment to their role.
The purpose of the Board is to review policies, to receive detailed reports from the principal at each meeting and to consider plans for the development and continuous improvement of our educational provision. The Board also oversees the functioning of the school, especially from a financial and risk point of view, in order to preserve the asset for future generations.
It is not the function of the Board to get involved in the day-to-day running of the school. This is handled by the principal and other staff members.
Current Board of Management:
- Stephen Gleeson (Chairperson)
- Donna O’Connor
- Gráinne Hamrock
- Andy O'Callaghan
- Sabrina Devereux
- Denis Everett (Principal)
- Ronan Fayne (Staff Rep.)